
A fungobiz may have all the same needs and problems of a bigger business, but the scale is quite different.  A fungobiz may not generate as much revenue as a big business, but we do not need as much revenue.  A fungobiz cannot lose site of  basic needs, but they will be fulfilled differently than than a big business because of scaling.

Big companies, for instance, have attorneys on staff to keep them out of trouble and get them out of trouble.  Fungobiz owners cannot afford to have a lawyer on staff, but the need is even greater.  A $5,000 loss due to ignorance of the law, mistakes, malice, or unforseen circumstances may not hurt a big company, but may devastate a fungobiz.

Fungos offers fungobiz owners an opportunity to avoid such losses by paying a monthly membership fee to Legalshield for attorney services that will help avoid losses.  View the website for features, benefits, costs, and testimonials.

Through Legalshield, Fungos also offers and identity theft protection plan from Kroll International called the Identity Theft Shield.

These services are only available at such low costs because 1.4 million people have joined together to make it possible for a top notch firm to give individuals equal justice.  This same concept is available in a number of different important business elements.

A monthly marketing membership in the Daily Marketing Coach (DMC) will provide marketing skills development opportunities that might otherwise only be available by taking seminars and webinars that might cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

One’s health is also of paramount importance to a fungobiz owner.  If you, as the owner, are down, the whole company is down, and a vacation property may contribute to the avoidance of health issues.  Because of scaling, fungobiz owners can vacation like a millionaire without being a millionaire through fractional real estate.  Fungobiz owners collaborate to buy a luxury vacation property and only pay a mortgage amount equivalent to the time they use the property.

There are many opportunities for fungobiz owners to collaborate on scaled down solutions that satisfy needs.  Fungos will continually identify opportunities like these.

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